Welcome to another Heroclix post, as Phil contacted us to say he can come this week, this week’s event was changed as he has not been part of the campaign. It was now five rounds 400 points different team each round, each play has a bye. So four 400 points teams. I went for a Sinestro Corp, X-Force, Green Lantern Corp and Thunderbolts.
On the first round it was my Sinestro Corp team verse Adrian’s Fantastic Four team.
Sinestro Corp
Scarecrow (Blackest Night) 85
Sinestro (Crisis) 146
Amon Sur (Arkham Asylum) 70
Lyssa Drak (Arkham Asylum) 72
=373 points and two rerolls.
Fantastic Four
Human Torch (Secret Invasion) 100 + Fantastic Four 5 = 105
Invisible Girl (Exp Clobberin Time) 57 + Fantastic Four 5 = 62
Reed Richards (LE Secret Invasion) 72 + Fantastic Four 5 = 77
Spiderman (Secret Invasion) 50 + Fantastic Four 5 = 55
Logan (Vet Clobberin Time) 60 + Fantastic Four 5 + Auto Regain 12 = 77
=393 points and two rerolls.
This was a close battle but I was a head by time that time was called and won. The only figure that was OKed was Spider-Man.
The next round was my X-Force team verse Darren’s Mystical team. There was I little problem with my team as Jean Gray was according to Darren never a member of X-Force. However the figure had the X-Force keyword so is legal. Darren said it was most likely a typo which Wizkids cannot be bothered to change it to X-Factor.
Wolverine (Web of Spider-Man) 105
Wolfsbane (Web of Spider-Man) 65
Warpath (Web of Spider-Man) 70
X-23 (Web of Spider-Man) 60
Domino (Vet Mutant Mayhem) 52
Jean Grey (Vet Universe) 50
=402 points and three rerolls.
Detective Chimp (75th) 62
Osiris (Brightest Day) 127
Klarion (Crisis) 76
Etrigan (Brave and the Bold) 136
=401 points and two rerolls.
Two Mystics TA, two no TA. Ok, so the plan is to take out the two none TAs first then ever run away or take out the others. The plan worked (with the later part) and I won the game only losing Warpath and Jean Grey.
The next round was my Green Lantern Corp team verse Phil’s non themed team.
Green Lantern Corp
Green Lantern (Blackness Night) 150
Green Lantern (Crisis) 157
Ch’p (Green Lantern Corp) 82
=389 points and one reroll.
Citizen V (Avengers) 58
Hawkeye (Vet Fantastic Forces) 84
Ant-Man (Vet Supernova) 81
Power Princess (Supernova) 107
Gargoyle (Avengers) 58
=388 points and no rerolls.
Phil creamed me, I have a feeling that me, Darren and the Brothers are too use to playing ageist each other that we are no use to other peoples thinking any more as he has been winning all his games. Plus back when Phil was playing he was a Judge like Darren is (was).
Next round was my Thunderbolts team verse Michael’s Mystical Themed team. Before the game started we realised that Michael’s team was not classed as a themed team as Mystical was a generic keyword and in a 400 points team you need a minimum of four characters to be a themed teamed.
Bullseye (Web of Spider) 117 + Thunderbolt 8 = 125
Hawkeye (Avengers) 56 + Thunderbolt 8 = 64
Citizen V (Avengers) 58 + Thunderbolt 8 = 66
Songbird (Exp Fantastic Forces) 67 + Thunderbolt 8 = 75
Norman Osborn (Web of Spider) 66 + Thunderbolt 8 = 74
* Green Goblin (Web of Spider)
* Iron Patriot (Web of Spider)
=404 points and two rerolls.
Black Adam (Exp Unleashed) 123
Klarion (Crisis) 76
Crispus Allen (Arkham Asylum) 197
=396 points and no rerolls.
I Thunderbolted to Mystic to give him a taste of his own medicine and won. I even managed to change Norman Osborn to Green Goblin. The last round I got a bye.
By the look of it Phil won over all, I was second and Darren oddly at last but I could be wrong on that. Phil should be making another appearance on Valentines week. Hopefully We will have the campaign done by then I there is no more hiccups along the way.
Next week will be the final week of the Replacements part of the campaign. Round twenty-five will be 200 point (again), round twenty-six will be 300 points and twenty-seven will be 200 points let again.
In general Heroclix news, Wizkids finished off the Print and Play cards of 75th Anniversary and only just posted today the first preview from the next set, Giant Size X-Men, with the Master of Magnetism, Magneto. Nearly 200 points, but he is super nasty. In personal Heroclix news, I have ordered £40 worth of Heroclix this week and only just got them as I am typing this. I got:
4 x Amazon
Cap and Bucky
Green Arrow from 75th Anniversary
Saint Walker
Kyle Rayner from 75th Anniversary
John Steward
Guy Gardner
My Lantern army is growing. Now I need to get the new Hal Jordan and the new Ganthet for my Green Lanterns and the new Sinestro, the new Mongul and Sinestro from Crisis for my Sinestro Corps. I would also like the Sinestro Corps Batman and White Lantern Hal Jordan, but as they are chase figures they would be too hard and costly to get.
This week’s DreamClix for ShounenClix, I am doing Grand Fisher for Bleach, Usopp from One Piece, Don Kanonji from Bleach and a dial design for Shrieker from Bleach. For MAClix I am doing the AIM agents with jet packs, the AIM agents with stealth suits, Shingen Yashida’s Bodyguards and the deals for the first two Zodiac warriors. For MechaClix, I will not be doing what I said I will cover, instead I will talk about how I will be doing Cosmic Break in HeroClix form. For example, the different types and sizes and weapons.
First off is Grand Fisher for Bleach. Grand Fisher is a Hollow that had evaded the Soul Reapers for for 54 years and is responsible for the death of Ichigo Kurosaki's mother, Masaki. He should have a special called "Lure", Toughness, Regan, another special called "Manipulate" and Exploit Weakness.
Lure: If Grand Fisher has no tokens on him, He can use Mind Control as a free action. When using Mind Control he can use give movement actions to the target.
Manipulate: Grand Fisher can use Perplex and Outwit.
He should have about eight clicks of health and starting states of Movement 8, Attack 10, Defence 18, Damage 3 and Range 6 with one target. He should have no TA and the Keywords Hollow.
Next is Usopp from One Piece. Usopp is the sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates. When Usopp was first introduced, he was often (comically) labelled as the "Liar" of the Straw Hat Pirates. He is the fourth member of the crew, the third to join. He should have Running Shot, Incapacitate, a special called "Run a way", Range Combat Expert and "Usopp Hammer" (Close Combat Expert).
Run a Way: Usopp does not take push damage for receiving a second action token to make a move action.
He should have about five clicks of health and starting states of Movement 10, Attack 9, Defence 16, Damage 1 and Range 6 with two targets. He should have the One Piece TA and the Keywords Pirates and Straw Hat Crew.

Next is the dial idea for Shrieker from Bleach.
Next are the A.I.M. agents with jet packs from the Wolverine anime. They should have the Flight symbol, Toughness, Range Combat Expert and maybe a minion power like "Running Fire".
Running Fire: Minion - If they are within 8 squares of a character with the A.I.M. Keyword what is a higher points value, this figure gains a +2 to range and Running Shot.
They should have about four clicks of health and starting states of Movement 12, Attack 9, Defence 16, Damage 1 and Range 4 with one target. They should have the Hydra TA and the keywords A.I.M.
Next are the A.I.M. agents with stealth suits from the Wolverine anime. They should have a special called "Stealth Suit", another special called "Sound Blast" and Toughness.
Stealth Suit: They can use Stealth. If they are amusing to a wall, blocking terrain or elevated terrain they are treated as if they are in Hindering Terrain for line of site.
Sound Blast: They can use Pulse Wave. Their Pulse Wave does not attack other models with the same name.
They should have about four clicks of health and starting states of Movement 8, Attack 9, Defence 17, Damage 1 and Range 4 with one target. They should have the Hydra TA and the keywords A.I.M. and Scientist.
Next is Shingen Yashida’s Bodyguards from the Wolverine anime. They should have Range combat Expert and a minion power called “Yashida’s Guards”.
Yashida’s Guards: Minion – If this figure is within 8 squares of Shingen Yashida, it gains a +1 to its Attack value and Blades.
They should have about four clicks of health and starting states of Movement 8, Attack 9, Defence 16, Damage 1 and Range 4 with one target. They should have no TA and the keywords Brut and whatever is Yashida’s group called, sorry cannot remember.
Next are the dial designs for the first two Zodiac Warriors Scorpio and Cancer, which were shown later as generic foot solders for Zodiac or at least Cancer was.
Lastly is it the MechaClix part. Originally I was planning to do for this first week two or three character from the MMO shooter Cosmic Break. However, I realised I needed to cover some details on how I am converting them to Heroclix and any mechanics I would be adding for them. First off they will be no customising of the robots or changing the weapons. These are a standard take on the character/robot. However variants might appear later.
Then there is Wonder Bits. In the game Wonder Bits are devices/drones that can be summoned in the middle of a battle. In Heroclix they should be special one shot feats were a character can only have one Wonder Bit feat, but may have multiple copies of that Wonder Bit.
Next we have size class. Apart from state this should not affect the game as Small was human size and Large was not big enough to ignore elevated train. Small Size characters should have high defence values and a small number of clicks of health, while Large Size characters should have low movement and defence values and a large number of clicks of health.
Then we move on to types, with their strengths and weakness. This is a major thing in Cosmic Break that should affect the system. In Cosmic Break there are four types of robot: Air, Artillery, Land and Support.
First off let us look at Air types. They have the ability to remain airborn for much longer periods of time and climb higher heights then other robots. They are also able to make good use of Beam weapons. They can be taken down quickly by missile weapons though. Beam weapons are good ageist Land types. But what does this mean for a Heroclix version. Air would be both a keyword and a Trait that all air units will have.
Trait: AIR - When making a range attack ageist a character with the Land keyword, modify you attack value by +1 and damage value by +2.
Also Air units should have the flight symbol and a common powers they should have (please note I do not mean should have or are the only ones to have) Running Shot and Close Combat Reflexes.
Next is Land type. They boast superior manoeuvrability on the ground as well as the ability to use various short range weapons, mainly Melee weapons. They tend to be weak against Beam weapons. Melee weapons are good ageist Artillery types. But what does this mean for a Heroclix version. Land, like Air, would be both a keyword and a Trait that all Land units will have.
Trait: LND - When making a melee attack ageist a character with the Artillery keyword, modify you attack value by +1 and damage value by +2.
Also the common powers that Land units may have are Charge, Hypersonic, Close Combat Expert and Energy Shield Deflection.
Next is Artillery type. They specialize in heavy firepower, with the ability to utilize many different long range weapons including Missile Weapons. They are weak against Melee weapons. Missile weapons are good ageist Air types. But what does this mean for a Heroclix version. Artillery would be both a keyword and a Trait that all Artillery units will have.
Trait: ART - When making a range attack ageist a character with the Air keyword, modify you attack value by +1 and damage value by +2.
Also the common powers that Artillery units may have are Running Shot, Psychic Blast, Energy Explosion and Range Combat Expert. Also a common thing for them is to be able to target multiple targets.
Lastly is the Support type. They have the ability to use special Wonder Bits unavailable to other robot, allowing them to repair and support their allies during battle. Some of them also have radar abilities, as well as abilities that allow them to intact enemies with various effects. However, they tend to lack the raw firepower of the other types. But what does this mean for a Heroclix version. Support would be both a keyword and a Trait that all Support units will have.
Trait: SUP - They may use any Wonder Bit they have one more time to how many times they have brought it. Also they attack value becomes 11 when using the Support power.
Also the common powers that Support units may have are Incapacitate, Support, Perplex and Outwit.
Also there will be three sub types that are not in the Cosmic Break game as sub type: Robot, Boss, Moe and Chibi. Robots are just you stand character and are normally generic. Bosses are leaders or powerful warriors of Chaos. Bosses will normally be giant or colossal size figures with a high number of click and a high defence value. Moe are humans turned into robots (Cyborgs) to help fight the forces of Chaos. Moes should have a click or two more than a stated figure and low damage reducers. Also they should be Unice. Chibis are super deformed Moe characters, is this state they become small Support types. Chibis will carry support abilities to boost and heal their team mates better than a standard Support Type character and less clicks of health damage.
Lastly we have TAs. I decided to make two TAs Union and Chaos. Chaos are the enemy in the game and the player are a part of the Unions. With Chaos I wanted a mob like TA when the more you have the better they are. I decided to make it the same as the Batman Enemies TA where they share their attack value. At first I was planning to do the Union TA where you pick one of the three Unions at the beginning of the game and each one did a different thing. But this would make thing too complex. So decided to go for one that shows team work. The CSA one is idea. Place a token on a friendly character and you can use Probability Control. That is all that I can think of for now.
Next week's Dreamclix for ShounenClix, I am planning on doing Elite Pirate LE from One Piece, Uryu Ishida for Bleach, maybe per-Bunkai Renji Abarai from Bleach and dials for generic Pirates from One Piece. For MAClix I am doing dials the next two Zodiac Warriors. And lastly for MechaClix, I am planning on doing Crimerose, Lily Rain and maybe LazFlamme. Also I will try to do a TA reminder of all the ShounenClix and MechaClix, will that is if I remember to do it. Well until next time, have fun.
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