MK HeroClix House Rules

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Neoscream's life, the 15th to the 21st of August

Mightbyne Girl
Welcome to another week of my life. The week before last were was a family day out, but what did last week bring.

On Monday I posted Watch, Listen and Read post for last week and a DreamClix Dial Design update post about the update I did on Sunday. I worked from 11:30AM to 4PM. in the evening I finished yet another anime series, Mobile Suit Gundam MS Igloo: Apocalypse 0079. This is the 251st anime I have finished according to MAL (My Anime List), Mobile Suit Gundam MS Igloo: The Hidden One Year War which I finished Monday last week was the 250th, but I forgot to talk about it in last week's Neoscream's Life post. The MS Igloo (both The Hidden One Year War and Apocalypse 0079) are based during the One Year War in the UC Gundam universe, during the same time as the original series, The 08th MS Team and 0080 War in the Pocket. It shows a team testing new weapons for Zeon. At the end of each episode the test pilot dies in battle after competing the mission or saving the main characters, and the weapons are normal written off for mass production because of cost, problems and a newer weapon had appeared like the Zaku in the very first episode. Char is the only character from other UC Gundam shows to have appeared in it, both all you see isvhis Red Zaku in battle. What will the third and final MS Igloo series (MS Igloo 2) bring. As I was about to go to bed I notice that Gadget Show is back on TV this week, but on Friday now instead of Mondays. HIPPY!!!!!

On Tuesday there was no Blaire as Cudda was off sick. I posted last week's Neoscream's Life post as I watched last week's Touchwood. I worked from 11:15AM to 3:15PM. When I finished work I did a quick bit of food shopping with my mum and pick up Marvel vs Capcom 3 on the X-Box 360 from just £15. Sweet! I ended up spending another £17 on downloadable content. These were two characters, alternate costumes for six (Iron Man as Iron Patriot, classic Thor, current Steve Rogers, what I think is Ryu as Ken and two other Capcom characters) and all ten Shadow Mode add on packs. I manage to bet arcade mode was a randomly picked team of Akuma, Dormammu and Thor. Nice game, wish there were more characters and that unlockable characters were just a little bit harder to unlock.

Blaire was on line on Wednesday morning. Did get to chat to her due to slow internet. After she left I finished filling in a job application form for a job at the Open University. I worked from 11AM to 2:30PM. When I got back home I e-mailed off the job application form and my CV and then spent most of the evening eBay. I also learned why I got the game so cheep, they are going to released a new version, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, that has 12 new characters.

Thursday was a day off work which i did not know about until after I posted the Neoscream's Life post. I finished off the dial designs for Friday's HeroClix post and posted the third part of the Pokémon Emerald story. I also managed to finish Arcade mode on Marvel vs Capcom 3 and post more stuff on eBay. Like normal in the evening I had HeroClix. On CosmicBreak news this week, there are two new Chibis, one available in the store and one as a random drop. The store one is a new character called Rouche and the other is Jikun Hu in normal clothes. Also when you go to the site there is a count down to next weeks update with the background of a school and a blanked out image of what seems to be Crim Rose. maybe Nora in school uniforms. If so please be a Lilly Rain one.

Bloom Mariah
On Friday I only had the time to finish off and post the HeroClix post with only a couple of pictures before heading to work. I worked from 10:30AM to 1:45PM. After work I quicklypicked up some extra padded letters from Staples. When I got home a I added the missing pictures and dials to the HeroClix post and started to post old Star Trek books I have on eBay. Also The Gadget Show is back. HIPPY!

At coffee on Saturday was Darren H, Richard and a work mate and band member of Richard's. We talked about Darren H's party about getting to his. I was to meet up with Simon and Lucy at the bus stops by the point at 5:30PM and then Darren H would pick us up. After coffee I headed off to work where I worked from 12PM to 3PM. After work I first popped into Sainsburys to get some Brother's Strawberry Cider for the party. Then I hanged out at the city center until I meet up with Simon and Lucy. While at the city I checked the 3 store about prices of data Sim cards. At Darren H house warming/birthday party was Darren H and Lisa of course; Simon and Lucy who came with me; Richard who stand for something like an hour; and Linda and Jamie. The flat was quite nice and the party was great for a small get together.

An Elf Rogue
Sunday was a day off like normal. After breakfast and Touchwood, me and my mum popped into the city center to get a Sim card for my tablet so now I can use the internet on the go on 3G on the tablet instead of GPRS (basically 1G) on my phone. I ended up going for pay as you go for now to see how much I use on the go. 12GB that expires in 12 months. I will try to keep track on the blog. After that I headed to role-play. We spent most of the time building our characters. At the end I decided to use a Rouge. We played for an about hour and a half. I need to to do some miner changes to the character which Nathan said he would help me do if we meet up during the week. When I got hone after role-play I downloaded an application that will keep a track on how much internet I use on 3G and then did a bit of reorganizing the home screens of the tablet.

Well that is another week over and done with.

Thursday 25th of August: "Pokémon Emerald Part Four.
Friday the 26th of August: "HeroClix".
Saturday the 27th of August: Maybe a "Cosplay Deviants" preview post.
Sunday the 28th of August: "Watch, Listen and Read" and a "DreamClix Dial Design" update.
Tuesday the 30th of August: "Neoscream's Life".

Well until next time, have fun.

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