Ok I decided to make this more of a weekly post than every time she is on. This should save some time for me and make the posted bigger as they they have not been that big for awhile as we have not been talking as much because she has been very busy and not being on Skype. Ok, we did not really talk at all on PMs durring the three times she was on, apart from saying good night. While over this week so far she has been on MFC three times.
On the first time she was on, 9th, it was on camera chat and play time. For the private show she did that day she cut a hole in a pair of red stockings so she could play with her self while wearing them. To me it would of been better if she did not have the stocking. She was was skilled with using the webcam, teasing but not trully showing any thing.
The second time, 11th, she was school work on camera. She was making a pair of legging. They are quite nice and really showed off her ass. She was not doing any Privates that day and she was only staying in Group shows for about three minutes. At the end she showed off the leggings she was making and the dress dress she made earlier. She came on camera only so she had company while making the leggings. Oh and she also set up a Twitter account, Blairebennett. The last two pictures are of her in the dress she made and the leggings she made.
The third time was on the 13th, my Birthday. By the look of things she came on to chat to people before her a Private show she had booked with someone in several hours time. She first showed off the clothes she made for school and showed off portfolio. Afterwards she asked us to help pick out some clothes. She was going back to San Francisco for several days and was going to an ex-boyfriend. She waited to wear something sexy to make him know what he was missing out on, but nothing too sexy as she does not want them thing she wants sex with them as she does not want to have sex with them, or at least that is what she wants us to think. After picking something to wear and a pair to thong to wear in the private, she picked not the underwear she wanted to wear while in San Francisco. She then went off camera to pack her bags as she has an hour until the private and to conserve energy for the private as she was tired from lack of sleep, but she never came back, even for the private she had booked. Maybe she fell asleep. I was hoping to chat with her that day, but never got to.
Over the three sessions, I learnt she is more sex driven than I thought. It is that reason she is heavily pushing the boundary in private, but I also later learnt another reason why. On her Wish List, Blaire had added "The Smart Girl's Guide to the G-Spot" and a special dildo for the G-Spot. I was jokingly reading the product description for the dildo and notice something:
Dr. Laura says frequent sexual activity makes you look younger also decreases stress, insomnia and acts as a natural pain reliever, especially for menstrual cramps and headaches.
That might answer why she is sex driven (other than her age and being a student). She is suffering a lot of stress with her work and school work. Poor girl. And she must be using it to de-stress herself. I wish I could do something to help relive the stress and lack of sleep, but I cannot do that well with the distance between us and the money I am on. Lucky for her school should be finishing soon, meaning there will be a bit less stress for her and lack of sleep. Also she should be around more often as well, but than again she did say she was going to be travelling around Europe during the summer, which could mean she will not be on line during that time, sadly. Helpfully we can meet up when she is in Scotland, it would be nice to meet her in the flesh (and clothes).
I am really missing our chats and really felling upset that I told my mum about her and brought a new webcam, so I could talk to her and she never is on to talk to. But that was when she was going back to school after spring break.
Well I best call that quits for now. I will be talking all about Campaign in the next post with hopefully picture and video clips. However I will be doing it on my MS Wars blog than here. After that will ever be this weeks Heroclix post, the long awaited Suzy post, what I watched this week or a Final Fantasy XIII review. Until next time, enjoy.
29/05/10 - Parts of the post were altered on Blaire's request.
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