MK HeroClix House Rules

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Gaming with Neoscream: 28th September 2014

Welcome to “Gaming with Neoscream”. This is my weekly gaming report and event write up post for miniature games, RPGs, card games and computer games.

“This Week's Events”

On Monday this week I went to Wargames Workshop MK for the second round of the Warmachine/Hordes league. However I best post the other results from the first week. Joe won his game against Rob B and by default Barrie who his game against his brother Ian who could not make it last week due to injuries.
This week I was up against Joe who was also using Legion. It was a close battle, but he pulled off a powerful move that undid all the damage I did during the game and provided me from doing any more damage during my next turn regardless how much I tried. This lead to a won Joe, or so we thought. When we told Barrie what happened, he pointed out that Joe could not have done part of what he done. He use a Warlock ability that can only be used during the Maintenance phase, spending health for Flurry. I never knew this as I am a Warmachine player and not a Hordes one. Because of this he was disqualified, meaning on record I won, but all Control Points and Army Points remain. Wow. Well if he did not have the Flurry on the the Warlock, I have been able to win the game as he would not have been able to transfer damage to his beast.
Also Barrie who his game against Niall and Rob B won his game against Ian. I am currently at fifth place in the gaming side of league with Barrie at first place and with ten points I am at first place in the hobby side (everyone else have ZERO point).
Next week I should be against Ian and his Trolling Trolls.

On Thursday I went down to York House for HeroClix. We were playing a scenario called "Batman Beings". (300 points. One figure must be ever Ra's al Ghul or a Batman that is ever a Rookie or under 100 point.) I decided to build a team around Ra's al Ghul than a Rookie Batman.
On the first round I was up against Adrian. He was using a Gotham City Themed team. The multiple Outwit and Perplex his team had screwed up my team. I lost this game. Darren S won his game against Michael.
On the second round I was up against Michael. He was using another Gotham City Themed team. I lost this game as well, however I did do a bit better this time round. Darren won his game against Adrian, however it was a very close game.
On the third and final round I was up against Darren S. He was using yet another Gotham City Themed team. Some how I managed to win this game. Also Adrian won his game against his brother Michael.
Next week will not be the second week of the Batman sage, that would be the following week. Next week will be "Six Pack": 600 points, must have six characters, no more, no less.

On Friday, me, Richard and Darren H want to Simon’s for the second game of Silver Age Sentinels D20. It followed directly from the last game we made it back to my character's ship after blowing up the bug like alien's ship, the Null. We realised that there was not just one ship, but a fleet of ships. By the look of things they were trying to kidnap Meta Humans, but saw my character, the former second in command of the Silicon Robotic Empire as an extra bonus. We had my ship move out to obit to a place it could hide. Most of the systems were not working any more. Weapons were down. The shields could seal the holes in the ship, but were not battle ready. And the engines were running at about 5%. We then learnt that the aliens were attacking a town. We beamed down and dealt with them. We managed to do it, however as we defeated them, a group of super heroes appeared.


Here is my force for the first week of the Warmachine League:

Thyra, Flame of Sorrow -6 (to Warjacks only)
Blood of Martyrs 9 PC
- Nicia, Tear of Vengeance 3 PC
Initiate Tristan Durant 3 PC
- Vanquisher 8 PC
Vassal of Menoth 2 PC: 2
Vassal of Menoth 2 PC: 2
Vassal Mechanik 1 PC: 1
A six woman Daughters of the Flame unit 5 PC
A six woman Daughters of the Flame unit 5 PC
A six man Choir of Menoth unit 3 PC
= 35

Here is my League of Assassins team for HeroClix:

Ra's al-Ghul (049 DC Icons) 79
Talia al Ghul (041 DC Brave and the Bold) 67
Batgirl (014 DC Crisis) 014
Bronze Tiger (032 DC Justice League) 60
League Assassin (004 DC Brave and the Bold) 22
=298 points and three TTPC’s

Here is Michael’s Gotham City team for HeroClix:

Batman (052 DC 75th Anniversary) 80
Harvey Dent (102 DC Arkham Asylum) 67
Robin (013 DC Crisis) 79
Batgirl (014 DC Crisis) 70
=296 points and three TTPC’s

Here is Darren S’s Gotham City team for HeroClix:

Harvey Bullock (016 Batman Streets of Gotham) 32
Green Lantern (011 DC HeroClix 10th Anniversary) 93
Batman (201 DC Batman) 86
Spoiler (003 DC Legacy) 22
Batgirl (002 DC Batman No Man’s Land) 67
=300 points and three TTPC’s

And here is Adrian’s Gotham City team for HeroClix:

Arkham Asylum Guard (003 DC Batman) 45
Bruce Wayne (037b DC Batman) 95
Batman (002 DC Justice League 52) 119
The Question (004 DC Arkham Asylum) 37
=296 points and three TTPC’s

“Future Events”

These are local gaming events in Milton Keynes I know of, Guardians of Tyr events at Wargames Workshop Northampton and other events I plan on going to or want to advertise.

·         On Mondays (not including Bank Holidays) at Wargames Workshop MK is Wargaming and board games night.
·         On Tuesdays at Wargames Workshop MK it is Card games night (or is it just Magic the Gathering).
·         On Thursdays York House in Stony Stratford is open from Wargamers and Boardgamers.
·         On Fridays at Wargames Workshop MK it is Friday Night Magic.
·         On Monday the 29th of September, Guardians of Tyr will be running the second week of their Warmachine/Hoards league at Wargames Workshop MK.
·         On Thursday the 2nd of October, there should be HeroClix at York House in Stony Stratford. The scenario will be "Six Pick".
·         On Friday the 3rd of October, Guardians of Tyr will be running a High Command tournament at Wargames Workshop MK.
·         On Saturday the 4th of October, Guardians of Tyr will be running both a DreadBall and Zombicide tournament at Wargames Workshop MK.
·         On Saturday the 18th of  October, Guardians of Tyr will be running a Warhammer 40,000 tournament at Wargames Workshop MK.
·         On Sunday the 19th of October, Guardians of Tyr will be running a Steam Roller Warmachine/Hoards tournament at Wargames Workshop Northampton.
·         On Saturday the 1st of November, Guardians of Tyr will be running a Star Wars X-Wing tournament at Wargames Workshop MK.
·         On Saturday the 15th of November, Guardians of Tyr will be running a Steam Roller Warmachine/Hoards tournament at Wargames Workshop MK.
·         On Saturday the 29th of November, Mantic will be having one of their Open Days at their Nottingham HQ.

Wargames Workshop MK has a £2 gaming fee or £4 with a pack of Magic the Gathering cards unless it is a paid tournament run by Guardians of Tyr (not including High Command). Weekday events normally start “playing” at 7PM.

For rules for Guardians of Tyr tournaments and leagues as well as information on pre booking your place in tournament. Pre booking is highly recommended so they know how many people are coming. So please go to their website which there is a link to it under my links section which are located on the right hand side of this blog.

York House has a £3 on the day gaming fee and a £5 fee for a year’s membership. However the first day is free and they only take yearly membership fee at the start of the year. The Hall officially opens at 7PM, but normally people start arrived 15 to 20 minutes early.

“Wargames Workshop MK Warmachine/Hoard League 2014 Painting Challenge Day 13 of 28”

Here is what my paint table looked like last night before going to bed. Note there has been some major changes since the last post.

Here is a closer look of the five I am focusing on at the moment.

And Here are the figures I have finished yesterday.

That is four more hobby point done making it eight points so far this week and a grand total so for eighteen hobby points overall.

Until next time, Keep Rolling. 

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