MK HeroClix House Rules

Friday, 12 September 2014

Gaming News from Neoscream: 12th September 2014

Stretch Goals are not included in this image
Welcome to “Gaming News from Neoscream”. This is my weekly gaming news post for miniature games, RPGs, some card games and computer games. As HeroClix was pushed back by a week, so there will not be a “Gaming with Neoscream” post this week. Because of this I have added the Evens timetable to bottom of this post.

“Gaming News”

First off is the Battle System news. With their Fantasy Dungeon Terrain KickStarter the Stretch Goals that they managed to unlock since last week’s post were: Extra Wall Clips as an add-on; Extra Dungeon sets as add-ons; the Great Hall set and the Great Hall Extended set as add-ons; three Pairs of Converters, three Walkways, eight Balustrades, two Gargoyles on plinths, a Table, two Barrels and a Cog Lever were added to the Dungeon pledge level; more tracks have been added to the Mines of Minerva add-ons; the Dungeon Sewers add-on pack; “Stone” re-skin for the wide stairs; and an add-on pack for adding more levels to the dungeon.
Stretch Goal that was still going when I posted this post were: A Tomb, a Table, a Torch and a Torture Rack will be added to the Dungeon pledge level at £114k; and a wide Archway with a Butcher’s Block as an add-on at an unrevealed amount.
With their Sci-fi Modular Terrain, the USA backer rewards are finally in the USA now.

Next is the Stonehaven Miniatures news. The characters we got since the last post for their Half-Orc Adventurers KickStarter were: The Half-Orc Bard, the Half-Orc Thief, the Half Orc Wizard, a cat, the Half-Orc Ranger, the Half-Orc Warrior, the Half-Orc Pistoleer and the Oni Enforcer.
Also the Sepia version of the Pop-Up Miniature Terrain Kit have started to ship to backers and the PDFs should be sent to backers soon.

The Half-Orc Adventures
Now for the Mantic news. Mars Attacks should start shipping in about two weeks time. They are currently sorting it out in the warehouse.

Next is the HeroClix news. This week we got previews of 2014 Monthly DC Organized Play figure of John Lynch; Alpha the Magnet Warrior, Beta the Magnet Warriors and Gamma the Magnet Warrior from Yu-Gi-Oh Series Two; and Flash and Bizarro Flash from DC Flash.

Now for the Crooked Dice Games news. Next month will see more Department X grunts and November will see five Chronal Commandoes being released. Also they are currently working on a new 7th Voyage expansion book call "Once and Future" that will cover the myths of King Arthur, Robin Hood and Beowulf.

Next is the Privateer Press news. We got this week a more detailed September release schedule. Just out this Wednesday was the Mercenary Unit Attachment Cephalyx Dominator, the Mercenary Solo Cephalyx Agitator, the Mercenary Character Unit Croe's Cutthroats, the Legion Epic Blighted Nyss Warlock Absylonia the Daughter of Everblight. The Second wave of September will be out on the 24th. Those will be the  Cryx Ally Unit Cephalyx Mind Slaver with Drudges, the Legion Light Warbeast Nephilim Protector, the new High Command box set “Faith and Fortune”,  High Command Faith and Fortune Expansion set called “Escalating Conflict”, Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Monsternomicon and LEVEL 7 [INVASION] .

Now for the Shadows of Brimstone news. The pledge manager should be up soon with new stuff. Somewhere I most have missed the fact that this was being split into two wave. By the sound of things the first wave will be the core sets and the second wave will be everything else. I have no clue on when the second wave will ship.

Next is the Cool Mini or Not news. Last week I made a mistake. I placed the Arcadia Quest news in the wrong company news (Ninja Division). I am sorry about that. Anyway it should start shipping next week.
Also the pledge manager for Zombicide Season 3 is finally out.

Lastly a bit of Games Workshop news. Space Hulk is coming back again. It is basically a repaint of the VERY Limited ran from 2009, but with a bunch of extra bits.

“KickStarter Dates”

·         “Kingdom Death Monster”, “Mechabrick”, physical copy of “OVA” and wave two of “Robotech RPG Tactics” all have been delay due to problems and currently have no dates on when these will start shipping. Plus I do not know when the second wave of “Shadows of Brimstone” will ship
·         Both wave one of “Robotech RPG Tactics” and the Sepia version of “Pop-Up Miniature Terrain Kit” has started shipping
·         “Dust Operation Babylon”, the digital copy of “Mekton Zero” rulebook, “Arcadia Quest”, the physical copy of the “Mekton Zero” rulebook, wave one of “Shadows of Brimstone” for all apart from Europe and "Mars Attacks" all should start shipping this month
·         Both the “Battle Systems Fantasy Dungeon Terrain” and the “Half-Orc Adventures” KickStarters will end on the 21st of September 2014
·         Wave one of “Journey Wrath of Daemons, wave three of “Deadzone” and wave one of “Shadows of Brimstone” for Europe are meant to ship in October 2014
·         “StarCrawlers” is listed to be done and out by November 2014
·         Wave one of “DreadBall Xtreme”, “Last Saga”, the coloured ran of “Pop-Up Miniature Terrain Kit” and “Bubblegum Crisis Ultimate Edition Blu-Ray Set” (comes with a digital copy of the old RPG rulebooks) are all listed to ship in November 2014
·         “Super Dungeon Explore The Forgotten King”, “Guild Ball” and “Mechadrome” are all listed to ship in December 2014
·         Wave two of “DreadBall Xtreme” is meant to ship sometime in 2015 and I am guessing wave two of “Journey Wrath of Daemons” has be push back to this time as well
·         “Zombicide Season Three” should ship in February 2015
·         “Half-Orc Adventures” should ship in May 2015
·         Both “Battle Systems Fantasy Dungeon Terrain” and “Demigods Rising” should ship in July 2015
·          “Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King’s Quest” should ship in August 2015

“Painting and Converting”

This week we have five Samaritan Troopers, two Berserker Zombie Walkers and two Berserker Zombie Runners.

This week's figures front view
This week's figures rear view
This week's Sedition Wars figures
This week's Zombicide figure

In next week’s post there will be a Fatty Berserker, both the Zombie and Human versions of Kyoko and three Zombie Dogs.

“Future Gaming Events”

These are local gaming events in Milton Keynes I know of, Guardians of Tyr events at Wargames Workshop Northampton and other events I plan on going to or want to advertise.

·         On Mondays (not including Bank Holidays) at Wargames Workshop MK is Wargaming and board games night.
·         On Tuesdays at Wargames Workshop MK it is Card games night (or is it just Magic the Gathering).
·         On Thursdays York House in Stony Stratford is open from Wargamers and Boardgamers.
·         On Fridays at Wargames Workshop MK it is Friday Night Magic.
·         On Monday the 15th of September, Guardians of Tyr will be starting a Warmachine/Hoards league at Wargames Workshop MK.
·         On Thursday the 18th of September, there should be HeroClix at York House in Stony Stratford. The scenario will be "Clone Saga".
·         On Saturday the 20th of September, Guardians of Tyr will be running a Steam Roller Warmachine/Hoards tournament at Wargames Workshop MK.
·         On Friday the 3rd of October, Guardians of Tyr will be running a High Command tournament at Wargames Workshop MK.
·         On Saturday the 4th of October, Guardians of Tyr will be running a DreadBall tournament at Wargames Workshop MK.
·         On Saturday the 18th of October, Guardians of Tyr will be running a Warhammer 40,000 tournament at Wargames Workshop MK.
·         On Sunday the 19th of October, Guardians of Tyr will be running a Steam Roller Warmachine/Hoards tournament at Wargames Workshop Northampton.
·         On Saturday the 1st of November, Guardians of Tyr will be running a Star Wars X-Wing tournament at Wargames Workshop MK.

Wargames Workshop MK has a £2 gaming fee or £4 with a pack of Magic the Gathering cards unless it is a paid tournament run by Guardians of Tyr (not including High Command). Weekday events normally start “playing” at 7PM.

For rules for Guardians of Tyr tournaments and leagues as well as information on pre booking your place in tournament. Pre booking is highly recommended so they know how many people are coming. So please go to their website which there is a link to it under my links section which are located on the right hand side of this blog.

York House has a £3 on the day gaming fee and a £5 fee for a year’s membership. However the first day is free and they only take yearly membership fee at the start of the year. The Hall officially opens at 7PM, but normally people start arrived 15 to 20 minutes early.

Until next time, Keep Rolling.

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