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Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Neoscream's Life: 15th to 21st September 2014

Welcome to the Neoscream's Life post. This is a weekly post of some of the things I have done during last week and news on the great Geek Goddess, AJ.


It was my week which was booked in short notice (less than two weeks weeks beforehand). It was needed as I was getting very stressed at work and the problems I have been having with that girl. I needed to get her off my mind. Did I manage to do it? Ummm, not totally, her name keep coming up in my head. Due to problems at work I had to come into work on Sunday and she was there. Thing went OK I avoided her as much as I can and she did not really talked to me apart from helping with orders and asking a work related question based during a conversation with another member.
The problem item
However what really rubbed salt in the would last week was a certain item arrived on the Monday. About two and a half weeks beforehand, I decided to have a jokingly look for a birthday gift for her. OK, it was not until the start of November, however I was trying to get ideas than anything. I did not want to spend much as she has a boyfriend and I was trying to be just good friends (even tho I had strong feelings for her), but I wanted to get her something special. I looked at cheep, non second hand necklaces on eBay. I placed watches on several that seemed nice. I have no sense of fashion and I do not know what she likes and dislikes. Several day later, a couple of days before I gave her the letter. I received a message that one of them, the one I personally liked, was about to finish. As it had an estimated delivery date of between the end of September and mid October, I decided to buy it there and then as I do not know when I could get a hold of another one like it. The long delivery time was due to it coming from China. It cost me just under a whopping £3 was free shipping. While like I said it arrived on Monday, two weeks earlier there the earliest estimation. With what that happen since ordering it there is no way I can give it to her, even a birthday card would be a problem. Well it is only under £3, so no real waste, but what can I do with it now I have no clue. It is currently in the back of a draw. (While getting the image of the problem item, I found that more has been posted at a lower prise of £1.51,)
Well anyway back to the week off. I managed to do some tidying in my bedroom, well the floor, sorting out a bunch of boxes and tidying my HeroClix figures. I done a ton of painting for the Warmachine/Hordes league, and wrote that MASSIVE post for the previous "Neoscream's Life" post, which took me most of Tuesday. I also had neck pain for most of the week too.
On Tuesday night I went out for a drink with Richard and Rob Cooper at Revolution. It was a quick night out but it was good to be out with mates, especially with what has been happening lately.

"AJ and the WWE"

On Raw last week AJ was in tag team action. She was teamed up with Brie Bella against Paige and Nikki Bella. It started Bella verses Bella, however before Brie could lay a finger on Nikki, Nikki tag out to Paige. Paige dominated the match preventing Brie from tagging AJ it after must of the match Paige tried tagging Nikki in, but Nikki just walked away. This gave Brie the opportunity she needed, however when she got the opportunity to tag AJ. Nikki pulled AJ off ringside. This cost AJ and Brie the match.

On Smackdown last week, AJ was on commentary during Paige’s and Nikki Bella's match. Paige won the match. It was a Total Divas diva, a train monkey could do it with one arm tide behind it's back. AJ grabbed the Diva's Championship belt and took it to the ring to Paige. Paige want AJ to give it to her,  but AJ would not let go. A tug of war started. Nikki come up out of nowhere and took them both out. She then took the title.

The Night of Champions match results will be in next week’s post.

“Watch, Listen and Read”

Watched: Last week’s episode of BBC’s Click.
Brought and Received: A new case for my Menoth, some new brushes and washes.
Received: The problem item.
eBay: Won a Cygnar Gun Mage Captain Adept.

Watched: This week’s episode of WWE Raw.

Watched: Episodes 1 to 12 of season one, all five minisodes and episodes 1 to 5 of season two of Bravest Warriors and this week’s episode of the Gadget Show (yes it is back for its 10 year anniversary).

Brought: Some resin bases.
Received: A Menoth Monolith Bearer and a Cygnar Squire.

Watched: Episodes 1 to 6 of a Persona 2 Innocent Sin Playthrough from Sirlionhart and episodes 6 to 12 of season two of Bravest Warriors.
Received: What I thought to be a unit of Holy Zealots turned out to be a Monolith Bearer, which is worthless to me as you can only have one in your force (I already just got one) and you need at least a unit of Holy Zealots to field it (which makes the first one I got useless). This was because the seller used the wrong image on the image.

Watched: This week’s episode of WWE Smackdown.
Brought and Received: The Cygnar Mark 2 Force Deck (as due to eBay buys most of my Cygnar stuff ever does not have cards or they have the old mark one card).

Watched: Episode 5 of season eight of Doctor Who.

Still in the post or soon be should
Arcadia Quest.
A Cygnar Gun Mage Captain Adept.
Resin Bases.

"Wargames Workshop MK Warmachine/Hoard League 2014 Painting Challenge Day 8 of 28"

Due to work and the League it self I did not get time to do much yesterday.

Until next time, Keep Rolling.

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