MK HeroClix House Rules

Friday 12 November 2010

Heroclix 11th November, Crisis on Infinite Earths: Week Seven

Welcome to another Heroclix post. So far in the campaign I am sitting on ten wins out of fifteen rounds. This week, Week Seven is the first week of the Replacements part of the campaign. In this part of the campagin it we catcher the objective token in our opponants deployment zone and get it back to are starting area to gain benifits in the final part of the campagin. Depending on what we roll, this could extra recruitment points or regaining fallen characters. I am really wanting to get Cyclops, Wolverine and maybe Secret Invasion Iron Man and Justice League Batman back. All three rounds this week are all 300 points.

So Round Nineteen, 300 points. I decided to try to use my DC stuff as the next part of the campagin is single univers only so it is best to risk them than my Marvel stuff. However I found out that I was wrong about how the single univers would work. The team being played needs to be single univers, not all your teams. Never mind. The first team I used was a Martial Artists team. I recruited Echo as she will be useful for Marvel teams, meanly Avengers.

Karate Kid (Crisis) 63
Nightwing (Crisis) 79
Batman (Vet Legacy) 111
Echo (Armour Wars) 38
=291 points and 2 re-rolls.

I went up against Darren’s 300 points team. He was using a Gotham team with:

Batman (Arkham Asylum) 64
Batman (Justice League) 75
Hitman (Arkham Asylum) 61
Gotham City Detective (Arkham Asylum) 27
Gotham City Detective (Arkham Asylum) 27
=254 points and 2 re-rolls.

Yes Darren was running a heavyly under points as he did not heavy the room to recruit any extra Gotham characters and he wanted to keep it theamed. This at first seemed to be a tough one as it was two heavy stealth teams ageist each other. However when Darren missed a 6 to hit twice for his first attack it the game. He lost all hope on winning as it left one of his characters out in the open to be attacked and outwitted. I am not going to say that it was a walk over as I had to keep on my toes to not let the advantage slip. I took out all but his "Out of the shadows Batman and left him alone as Nightwing grabbed to token and took it to my deployment zone. Then when I had the token safe and sound my Batman landed the killing blow on his Batman. Which meant I won the game. Sadly I lost poor old Echo.

Next was Round Twenty, 300 points. I use my wild card team but reduted to 300 points. As Cosmic Boy is still out of action I had to use someone else.

Batman (Arkham Asylum) 64
Dream Girl (Justice League) 50
Ragman (Exp Collateral Damage) 47
Thinker (Arkham Asylum) 55
Spider-Girl (Secret Invasion) 77
=293 points and no re-rolls.

I was up against Adrian’s 300 points team. He was using a non thread team who was:

Gamora (Secret Invasion) 73
Gravity (Secret Invasion) 64
Ironfist (Secret Invasion) 70
Spider-girl (Secret Invasion) 77
=284 points and no re-rolls.

This was a tough game and ended with each one of us taking out one character by time out. He took out my Rageman and I took out his Ironfist. As Ironfist has a higher points value than Rageman, I won the game and if the game lasted longer I could have taken out Gamora and Spider-Girl. Sadly never of us gained any of the tokens.

The last round of the week, Round Twenty-one, which was another 300 points game. This last game I went for my X-Men team.

Beast (Mutations and Monsters) 73
Havok (Vet Mutant Mayhem) 44
Jean Grey (Rook Universe) 31
Alex Summers (LE Mutant Mayhem) 35
Storm (Danger Room) 40
Warpath (Web of Spiderman) 70 + X-Force TA 4 = 74
=297 points and 3 re-rolls.

I went up against Michael’s 300 points team. He was using his none thread team with:

Mr Fantastic (Secret Invasion) 100
Batman (Justice League) 75
Dr. Alchemy (Justice League) 62
=237 points and no re-roll.

The last game was a walk over. I did not really know why he was 63 points short at the time. I can just he did not have the useable figures to fill in the gap. He placed Batman on an object. So I had Jean TKed Alex to blow up the object and then Havok and Storm said bye, bye to him as they blow Batman to bits. Then with Storm's help, Beast took out Dr. Alchemy. While all of this was happening Warpath ran cross the board to get the token and with help from Jean he got it safely to my edge for a touch down. Then Storm take down Mr. Fantastic winning me the game.

Won, three wins out of three games, hippy. Both me and Darren gainned two tokens each while the brothers gain none as Adrian forgot to put the token down before finishing Michhael off in their game.

My Force
Alex Summers (LE Mutant Mayhem) has 5 XP. KOs 1, MIAs 1 (Firestar).
Batman (Arkham Asylum) has 18 XP after OKing one character this week. KOs 4, MIAs 2 (Moleman, Boy Wonder).
Batman (Justice League) MIA.
Batman (Vet Legacy) has 18 XP after OKing three characters this week. KOs 4, MIAs 2 (Namor and Batman).
Beast (Mutations and Monsters) has 8 XP after OKing one character this week. KOs 2, MIAs 1 (Robin).
Cosmic Boy (Legion of Super Heroes) has 0 XP.
Cyclops (Mutations and Monsters) MIA with 7 KOs and no MIAs.
Dark Beast (Mutations and Monsters) MIA.
Dr. Alchemy (Justice League) has 0 XP.
Dream Girl (Justice League) has 0 XP.
Hawkeye (Avengers) with Thunderbolts ATA, has 5 XP. KOs 2, MIAs 1 (Citizen V).
Iron Man (Secret Invasion) MIA with 4 KOs and no MIAs.
Iron Man (Supernova) MIA.
Iron Man (Web of Spider-Man) has 5 XP. KOs 3, MIAs 1 (Reed Richards).
Jean Grey (Rook Universe) has 0 XP.
Karate Kid (Crisis) has 0 XP and back in action on round twenty-four.
Klarion (Crisis) MIA.
Mockingbird (Vet Sinister) MIA with 2 KOs 2 and no MIAs.
Nightwing (Crisis) has 10 XP. Tokens 1, KOs 2, MIAs 1 (Wondergirl).
Nurse (Web of Spider-Man) has 0 XP.
Psylocke (Rook Xplosion) MIA.
Ra’s al-Ghul (Vet Legacy) has 2 XP. KOs 1, MIAs 0.
Rageman (Collateral Damage) has 0 XP and well be back in action on round twenty-five.
Researcher (Web of Spider-Man) has 0 XP.
Robin (35 points Crisis) has 0 XP.
Robin (79 points Crisis) MIA with 1 KOs which was an MIAs (Sue Storm).
Robin (starter Icons) MIA.
Robot (Invincible) has 0 XP.
Scarlet Witch (Avengers) MIA.
Scarlet Witch (Rook Infinity Challenge) has 0 XP.
Spider-Girl (Secret Invasion) has 10 XP after OKing one character this week. KOs 3, MIAs 0.
Spider-Man (red and blue suit Web of Spider-Man) MIA.
Spider-Man (Secret Invasion) has 5 XP. KOs 1, MIAs 1 (Cosmic Boy).
Spoiler (Vet Legacy) has 0 XP.
Storm (Danger Room) has 19 XP after OKing two characters this week. KOs 7, MIAs 4 (Annihilus, two Batmans and Night Thrasher).
Thinker (Arkham Asylum) has 0 XP.
Warpath (Web of Spiderman) + X-Force, has 1 XP. Tokens 1, KOs 1, MIAs 0.
Wasp (Starter Universe) has 0 XP.
Wolverine (Fantastic Forces) MIA with 3 KOs and 1 MIA (?).
Yellowjacket (Secret Invasion) has 3 XP. KOs 2, MIAs 0.
Echo (Vet Armour Wars) new recruit, earned 5 XP OKing someone but was MIAed. KOs 1, MIAs 0.
Havok (Vet Mutant Mayhem) New recruit.

Darren S
Batman (Arkham Asylum) 64
Batman (Justice League) MIAed this week
Bullseye (Web of Spider-man) 117 + Thunderbolts 8 = 125
Ch’p (Green Lantern Corps) 82
Citizen V (Avengers) + Thunderbolts, MIA
Firestar (Web of Spider-man) MIA
Hitman (Arkham Asylum) 61
Jakeem Thunder (Origin) 126 + Coordination (Feat) 6 = 132
Justice (Exp Supernova) MIA
Kid Nova (Exp Supernova) 66
Kid Zoom (Brave and the Bold) 87
Liberty Belle (Crisis) 84
Moonstone (Hammer of Thor) 76 + Thunderbolts 8 = 84
Night Thrasher (Vet Supernova) MIA
Norman Osborn (Web of Spider-Man) 66 + Thunderbolts ATA 8 = 74
Radioactive (Vet Sinister) 80 + Thunderbolts 8 = 88
Sandman (Origin) 59 + Coordination (Feat) 6 = 65
Scarlet Spider (Web of Spider-man) 72
Shatterstar (Mutations and Monsters) 57
Songbird (Rook Fantastic Forces) 44 + Thunderbolts 8 = 52
Spider-girl (Secret Invasion) MIA
Stargirl (Vet Legacy) MIA
Venom (Hammer of Thor) 73 + Thunderbolts 8 = 81
Warpath (Web of Spider-man) 70
Wildcat (Rook Origins) 54
Winter Soldier (Avengers) MIA
Wolfsbane (Web of Spider-man) 65
Wolverine (Web of Spider-man) 105
X-23 (Web of Spider-man) 60

Black Panther (Avengers) 92 + Fantastic Four 5 = 97
Captain America (Hammer of Thor) MIA
Dawnstar (Crisis) MIAed this week
Dr Strange (Secret Invasion) MIA
Gamora (Secret Invasion) 73
Gravity (Secret Invasion) 64
Human Torch (Secret Invasion) + Fantastic Four, MIA
Invisible Girl (Exp Clobberin Time) 57 + Fantastic Four 5 = 62
Ironfist (Secret Invasion) 70
Ironman (shield Mutations and Monsters) 100
Lionheart (Avengers) MIA
Logan (Vet Clobberin Time) 60 + Fantastic Four 5 + Auto Regain 12 = 77
Luke Cage (Secret Invasion) + Fantastic Four, MIAed this week
Metron (Arkham Asylum) 195
Ms Marvel (human Secret Invasion) 168
Namor (Secret Invasion) MIA
Quicksilver (Avengers) 49
Reed Richards (LE Secret Invasion) MIA
Ronin (Avengers) MIA
Scarlet Witch (Avengers) MIA
She-Thing (Secret Invasion) 50 + Fantastic Four 5 = 55
Spider-girl (Secret Invasion) 77
Spiderman (Secret Invasion) 50 + Fantastic Four 5 = 55
Sue Storm (LE Fantastic Forces) MIA
The Thing (Secret Invasion) + Fantastic Four, MIA
Thor (Hammer of Thor) 226
Wonderman (Avengers) MIA
Yellowjacket (Secret Invasion) MIA

Alex Luthor (Crisis) MIA
Annihilus (Secret Invasion) MIA
Aqualad (Crisis) MIA
Batman (Arkham Asylum) MIA
Batman (Justice League) MIAed this week
Boy Wonder (Crisis) MIA
Captain Gordon (Arkham Asylum) MIA
Chief (Crisis) 63
Cosmic Boy (Legion of Super Heroes) MIA
Dawnstar (Crisis) MIA
Doom (Secret Invasion) 249
Dr. Alchemy (Justice League) 62
Dr Polaris (Justice League) MIA
Enchantress (Hammer of Thor) 141
Gravity (Secret Invasion) 64
Iron Man (Avengers) 154
Ironman (zombie Mutations and Monsters) MIA
Kid Flash (Crisis) MIA
Living Laser (Avengers) MIA
Metron (Arkham Asylum) MIA
Moleman (Secret Invasion) 50
Moloid (Secret Invasion) MIA
Moloid (Secret Invasion) MIA
Morbious (Secret Invasion) 67
Mr Fantastic (Secret Invasion) 100
Penance (Hammer of Thor) 58 + Thunderbolts 8 = 66
Rampaging Hulk (Mutations and Monsters) MIA
Red Arrow (Crisis) 73
Robin (Crisis) MIA
Scarlet Witch (Rook Fantastic Forces) 35
Speedy (Crisis) MIA
Spiderman (Mutations and Monsters) 41
Stingray (Avengers) MIA
Ulik (Hammer of Thor) 118
Wondergirl (Crisis) 60 + Stunning Blow (Feat) 10 = 70

Next week, round twenty-two will be 400 points and rounds twenty-three and twenty-four will be 200 point. Darren has notice the dice rolls have been a bit low for team builds and Michael OK dice rollsn as just under two thirds of the dice rolls to team builds were 3 or less on a D6 (standard six side dice). Something tells me we need new dice if they are rolling that bad.

Wizkids have more previews from the new DC booster set 75th annaversity. There is Dick Grayson’s Batman, Easy Company Soldier and Sgt. Rock. This Batman is a DC figure I have been wanting to see since hearing about Dick Grayson the mental of Batman after Batman was "killed" by Darkseed who was "dieing" after Batman shot him. The other are great figures too and might make the Jonah Hex figures useful. On a Marvel note then is a useful thread on HC Realm that will keep you up today on Giant-Size X-Men news.

In this week’s DreamClix I will be doing The It from House of M, Oolong from Dragon Ball, Nami from One Piece and dials for Light Yagami from Death Note. But first I have two bits of DreamClix news. First there is no Iron Man anime characters this week as the subtitle version of episode 6 still had not been posted up on Anime-Media as I write this. So next week might be a double bill. The second bit of news is that this well be the last time for now I will be doing a Marvel or DC character. I might still do one on special post on weeks that Heroclix does not happen, but not all the time.

First off is The It. Ben Grimm was the pilot in Reed Richards' voyage to space, alongside Susan Storm and John Jameson. Like the others, Grimm was mutated, though he was the only survivor of the rocket's explosion. Ben was transformed into a rock-skinned creature with superhuman strength and a diminished intellect. He was taken by Doctor Doom, who named him the It. Serves as Von Doom's personal bodyguard, but is only as intelligent as a talking dog which it was why Doom treated him like an animal and was often the victim of Doom's frustrations. He is controlled by Valeria via a telekinetic "leash." Tired of being mistreated, the It betrayed Doom and sided with Polaris after Doom tried to kill Magneto and Quicksilver. After Doom was defeated, the It ended up meeting Alicia Masters, who took him to the Human Resistance. Now the It should be more of a visus and unintaligunt version of the Thing. He should have Charge, Super Strength, Invulnerability and a special called “Mindless Slave”.
Mindless Slave: The It has Battle Fury, but he can still be carried by characters with the Fearsome Four keyword.”
He should have eight clicks of health and starting values of Movement 6, Attack 10, Defence 16, Damage 4 and Range 0. He should have no TA and the keywords Fearsome Four and Brute.

Next is Oolong from Dragon Ball. Oolong is a shape shifting pig, who met Bulma and Goku while on their quest finding the Dragon Balls. After their adventure, he begins living at Capsule Corporation in West City. He plays a large role in the beginning of Dragon Ball, but by the end of Dragon Ball Z, he just shows up from time to time in the company of Master Roshi. He should have Shape Change and a special for each oif his clicks to repesent defferant forms.
"Form 1 - Samuri: Oolong can use Blades and Invulnerability. He also has the Armour keyword."
"Form 2 - Bull: Oolong can use Charge and Toughness. Also if he uses Charge, his damage value 3 for the attack."
"Form 3 - Buluma: Oolong can use Incapacitate as if he has range 6 and Shape Change but on a 4 to 6."
"Form 4 - Bat: Oolong has the fight ability and can use Stealth, Close Combat Reflexes and Energy Shield Deflection."
He should have four clicks of health and starting values of Movement 7, Attack 8, Defence 17, Damage 1 and Range 0. He should have the Dragon Ball TA and the keywords Dragon Ball Gang and Animal.

The last character of the week is Nami from One Piece. Nami is a pirate and the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates. She is officially the 5th member of the crew after defeating Arlong, and the second to join. She briefly betrays the crew during the Baratie Arc and rejoins at the end of the Arlong Arc after her past and true intentions are revealed. She should have Stealth, Smoke Cloud, Probability Control, Perplex and a special called "Thief".
"Thief: Nami can use Outwit but only to ajsunt characters and she does not need to draw line of sight to the target."
She should have four clicks of health and starting values of Movement 10, Attack 8, Defence 16, Damage 2 and Range 0. He should have the One Piece TA and the keywords Pirate, Straw Hat Crew, Arlong’s Crew and Spy.

Lastly we have a dial design for Light Yagami from Death Note. I altered the wording for some of his specials.

I am planning on doing for next week’s DreamClix the Third Hokage from Naruto, Shrieker from Bleach and dials for Kira from Death Note. Until next time, enjoy.

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