MK HeroClix House Rules

Friday 21 January 2011

Heroclix 20th of January, Crisis on Infinite Earths: Week Nine


Welcome to another Heroclix post. This week is Week Nine of the Campaign and is the final week of the Replacements part. We have an old player returning this week, Adam, and he has rejoined us after over two years. As he is getting back into playing than just for one week, so he is entering the campaign. As it was last moment this week has no major changes, but next week there will be some changes with the extra player. The only change this week is that one player will have a bye each round. This week builds were, Round Twenty-Five is a 200 points game, Round Twenty-Six is a 300 points game and finally Round Twenty-Seven is a 200 points game.

So Round Twenty-Five, 200 points. In the 200 points games Metron has been rules the matches. However Darren realised that that if you Mind Control him, as he is the only character your opponent controls, the game will end with you winning. I went for an X-Men themed as they had all the good mind controllers and it does help with makinhg X-Men teams too. However with all the new recruits from this team I have hit the 2,000 points build pool max so I can not recruit any new characters.

Karma (Vet Fantastic Forces) 59
Jean Grey (Rook Universe) 31
Cuckoo (Mutations and Monsters) 40
Professor Xavier (Exp Universe) 67
=197 points and two re-rolls.

I sadly went up against Darren’s 200 points team. He was using a Gothan themed team with:

Gotham City Detective (Arkham Asylum) 27
Gotham City Detective (Arkham Asylum) 27
Man-Bat (Icons) 38
Deadshot (75th) 89
Street Thug (Arkham Asylum) 19
=200 points and two re-rolls.

He creamed me. I know this would happen, a team designed to fight Metron would be crap ageist any other team. At least I stopped him from getting his token.

Next was Round Twenty-Six, 300 points. At first I was planning on using my X-Men team but as Jean Grey is being used in the first team and I can not recruit any more characters I when for an Avengers team. I ended up using:

Hawkeye (Avengers) + Thunderbolts ATA 64
Yellowjacket (Secret Invasion) 100
Quicksilver (Exp Armour Wars) 62
Iron Fist (Secret Invasion) 710
=296 points and two re-rolls.

I was up against Adam’s 300 points team. He was using a non themed team, who was:

Benjamin J. Grimm (Secret Invasion) 100
Scarlet Witch (Exp Fantastic Forces) 49
Question (Rook Origin) 40
Tomar Re (Green Lantern Corps) 111
=200 points and no re-rolls.

I lost again sadly, Benjamin’s 18 defence was a pain to get passed and his 4 damage just kept on knocking my characters out. At least Quicksilver took out two of his characters and claimed the token for me.

The last round of the week, Round Twenty-Seven, which was another 200 points game. This team was hard to do, I had lost Batman beyond the last campaign week, most of the team from the last round of that week are not back in action yet and I can not recruit any more characters. So is was a non themed throw togather team.

Karate Kid
Alex Summers (LE Mutant Mayhem) 35
Dream Girl (Justice League) 50
Karate Kid (Crisis) 63
Rageman (Exp Collateral Damage) 47
=195 points and none re-roll.

I went up against no one as I get the Bye due to an odd number of players now, which is classed as a win.

Well that was another great week in the campaign for me, not. From what I remember Adam is at last place with two wins (as he only had three game), Michael is at fourth place with five wins, Adrian is at third place with fourteen wins, I am at second place with sixteen wins and Darren is winning the campaign with twenty wins. However things can change over the next three weeks, but sadly Adam and Michael have no chance of gaining the number one spot. At the end randomly regained characters that were MIAed during the nine weeks of the campaign. Adam got a character back, Adrian and Michael got a bounch back who or how many I can not remember, Darren got seven of his 11 MIAed characters back six. You can find out who I got back below in My Force, but I will say my Number One OKer is back, Cyclops.

My Force
Alex Summers (LE Mutant Mayhem) has 5 XP. KOs 1, MIAs 1 (Firestar).
Batman (Arkham Asylum) 5 KOs, 2 MIAs (Moleman and Boy Wonder) and BACK FROM THE DEAD.
Batman (Justice League) MIA.
Batman (Vet Legacy) has 10 XP. KOs 4, MIAs 2 (Namor and Batman).
Beast (Mutations and Monsters) has 2 XP. KOs 2, MIAs 1 (Robin).
Cosmic Boy (Legion of Super Heroes) has 5 XP and is out of action until round twenty-nine. KOs 1, MIAs 0.
Cyclops (Mutations and Monsters) 7 KOs, no MIAs and BACK FROM THE DEAD.
Dark Beast (Mutations and Monsters) MIA.
Dr. Alchemy (Justice League) has 0 XP.
Dream Girl (Justice League) has 0 XP.
Echo (Vet Armour Wars) 1 KOs, no MIAs and BACK FROM THE DEAD.
Havok (Vet Mutant Mayhem) has 0 XP.
Hawkeye (Avengers) with Thunderbolts ATA is MIA with 5 XP, 2 KOs and 1 MIAs (Citizen V).
Iron Fist (Secret Invasion) had 0 XP.
Iron Man (Secret Invasion) MIA with 4 KOs and no MIAs.
Iron Man (Supernova) with Stunning Blow Feat, BACK FROM THE DEAD.
Iron Man (Web of Spider-Man) has 5 XP. KOs 3, MIAs 1 (Reed Richards).
Jean Grey (Rook Universe) has 0 XP.
Karate Kid (Crisis) has 0 XP.
Kid Flash (Crisis) is out of action until round twenty-nine.
Klarion (Crisis) MIA.
Hawkeye and Mockingbird
Mockingbird (Vet Sinister) MIA with 2 KOs 2 and no MIAs.
Nightwing (Crisis) has 10 XP. Tokens 2, KOs 2, MIAs 1 (Wondergirl).
Nurse (Web of Spider-Man) has 0 XP.
Psylocke (Rook Xplosion) MIA.
Quicksilver (Exp Armour Wars) has 10 XP and is back in action on round twenty-nine. Tokens 2, KOs 2, MIAs 0.
Ra’s al-Ghul (Vet Legacy) has 0 XP. KOs 1, MIAs 0.
Rageman (Collateral Damage) has 0 XP.
Researcher (Web of Spider-Man) has 0 XP.
Robin (35 points Crisis) has 5 XP. KOs 1, MIAs 1 (Street Thug).
Robin (79 points Crisis) 1 KOs which was a MIAs (Sue Storm) and BACK FROM THE DEAD.
Robin (starter Icons) MIA.
Robot (Invincible) has 0 XP.
Scarlet Witch (Avengers) MIA.
Scarlet Witch (Rook Infinity Challenge) has 0 XP.
Spider-Girl (Secret Invasion) has 10 XP and is out of action until twenty-nine. KOs 4, MIAs 1 (Kid Nova).
Spider-Man (red and blue suit Web of Spider-Man) BACK FROM THE DEAD.
Spider-Man (Secret Invasion) has 5 XP. KOs 1, MIAs 1 (Cosmic Boy).
Spoiler (Vet Legacy) has 0 XP.
Storm (Danger Room) has 10 XP. KOs 7, MIAs 4 (Annihilus, two Batmans and Night Thrasher).
Thinker (Arkham Asylum) has 0 XP.
Warpath (Web of Spiderman) + X-Force, has 0 XP. Tokens 1, KOs 1, MIAs 0.
Wasp (Starter Universe) has 0 XP.
Wolverine (Fantastic Forces) MIA with 3 KOs and 1 MIA (?).
Yellowjacket (Secret Invasion) has 0 XP and is back in action on round twenty-nine. KOs 2, MIAs 0.
Karma (Vet Fantastic Forces) new recruit and is back in action on round thrity.
Cuckoo (Mutations and Monsters) new recruit and is back in action on round twenty-nine.
Professor Xavier (Exp Universe) new recruit and is back in action on round twenty-nine.

Darren S
Batman (Arkham Asylum) 64
Batman (Justice League) MIA
Bullseye (Web of Spider-man) 117 + Thunderbolts 8 = 125
Ch’p (Green Lantern Corps) 82
Citizen V (Avengers) + Thunderbolts, MIA
Firestar (Web of Spider-man) MIA
Gotham City Detective (Arkham Asylum) 27
Gotham City Detective (Arkham Asylum) 27
Hitman (Arkham Asylum) 61
Jakeem Thunder (Origin) 126 + Coordination (Feat) 6 = 132
New Warriors
Justice (Exp Supernova) MIA
Kid Nova (Exp Supernova) was MIAed this week.
Kid Zoom (Brave and the Bold) 87
Liberty Belle (Crisis) 84
Moonstone (Hammer of Thor) 76 + Thunderbolts 8 = 84
Night Thrasher (Vet Supernova) MIA
Norman Osborn (Web of Spider-Man) 66 + Thunderbolts ATA 8 = 74
Radioactive (Vet Sinister) 80 + Thunderbolts 8 = 88
Sandman (Origin) 59 + Coordination (Feat) 6 = 65
Scarlet Spider (Web of Spider-man) 72
Shatterstar (Mutations and Monsters) 57
Songbird (Rook Fantastic Forces) 44 + Thunderbolts 8 = 52
Spider-girl (Secret Invasion) MIA
Stargirl (Vet Legacy) MIA
Venom (Hammer of Thor) 73 + Thunderbolts 8 = 81
Warpath (Web of Spider-man) 70
Wildcat (Rook Origins) 54
Winter Soldier (Avengers) MIA
Wolfsbane (Web of Spider-man) 65
Wolverine (Web of Spider-man) 105
X-23 (Web of Spider-man) 60
Man-Bat (Icons) 38, new recruit
Deadshot (75th) 89, new recruit
Street Thug (Arkham Asylum) 19, new recruit and MIAed this week by his own partner Man-Bat.

Black Panther (Avengers) 92 + Fantastic Four 5 = 97
Captain America (Hammer of Thor) MIA
Chief (Crisis) 63
Dawnstar (Crisis) MIA
Dr Strange (Secret Invasion) MIA
Gamora (Secret Invasion) 73
Gravity (Secret Invasion) 64
Human Torch (Secret Invasion) + Fantastic Four, MIA
Invisible Girl (Exp Clobberin Time) 57 + Fantastic Four 5 = 62
Ironfist (Secret Invasion) 70
Ironman (shield Mutations and Monsters) 100
Kid Flash (Crisis) 45
Lionheart (Avengers) MIA
Logan (Vet Clobberin Time) 60 + Fantastic Four 5 + Auto Regain 12 = 77
Luke Cage
Luke Cage (Secret Invasion) + Fantastic Four, MIA
Metron (Arkham Asylum) 195
Moonstone (Hammer of Thor) 76 + Thunderbolts 8 = 84
Ms Marvel (human Secret Invasion) 168
Namor (Secret Invasion) MIA
Quicksilver (Avengers) 49
Rampaging Hulk (Mutation and Monsters) 128
Reed Richards (LE Secret Invasion) MIA
Ronin (Avengers) MIA
Scarlet Witch (Avengers) MIA
She-Thing (Secret Invasion) 50 + Fantastic Four 5 = 55
Spider-girl (Secret Invasion) 77
Spiderman (Secret Invasion) 50 + Fantastic Four 5 = 55
Sue Storm (LE Fantastic Forces) MIA
The Thing (Secret Invasion) + Fantastic Four, MIA
Thor (Hammer of Thor) 226
Wonderman (Avengers) MIA
Yellowjacket (Secret Invasion) MIA

Alex Luthor (Crisis) MIA
Annihilus (Secret Invasion) MIA
Aqualad (Crisis) MIA
Batman (Arkham Asylum) MIA
Batman (Justice League) MIA
Batman and Robin (Justice League) 138
Boy Wonder (Crisis) MIA
Captain Gordon (Arkham Asylum) MIA
Chief (Crisis) 63
Cosmic Boy (Legion of Super Heroes) MIA
Dawnstar (Crisis) MIA
Doom (Secret Invasion) 249
Dr Polaris (Justice League) MIA
Dr. Alchemy (Justice League) 62
Enchantress (Hammer of Thor) 141
Gravity (Secret Invasion) 64
Iron Man (Avengers) 154
Ironman (zombie Mutations and Monsters) MIA
Kid Flash (Crisis) MIA
Living Laser (Avengers) MIA
Metron (Arkham Asylum) MIA
Moleman (Secret Invasion) 50
Moloid (Secret Invasion) MIA
Moloid (Secret Invasion) MIA
Morbious (Secret Invasion) 67
Mr Fantastic (Secret Invasion) 100    
Penance (Hammer of Thor) 58 + Thunderbolts 8 = 66          
Rampaging Hulk (Mutations and Monsters) MIA
Red Arrow (Crisis) 73
Robin (35 Crisis) 35, new recruit
Robin (79 Crisis) MIA
Scarlet Witch (Rook Fantastic Forces) 35
Speedy (Crisis) MIA
Spiderman (Mutations and Monsters) 41
Stingray (Avengers) MIA
Street Thug (Arkham Asylum) MIA
Street Thug (Arkham Asylum) MIA
Ulik (Hammer of Thor) 118
Wondergirl (Crisis) 60 + Stunning Blow (Feat) 10 = 70

Benjamin J. Grimm (Secret Invasion) 100
Scarlet Witch (Exp Fantastic Forces) 49
Question (Rook Origin) 40
Tomar Re (Green Lantern Corps) 111

Next week will be the first week of the Final part of the campaign, Save Our Univers. All the members of the teams must be from the same Universe, well Marvel, DC and Indy, and most be good guys or bad guys. Any figure OKed are now MIAed on a roll of 1 to 5 and no limits to the build pool now. Also no more 200 point games. With the extra player too, there will be five rounds a week instead of just one and each play will get a bye unless we get a sixth player. Round twenty-eight will be 300 points, round twenty-nine will be 500 points, round thirty will be 400 points, round thirty-one will be 400 points and round thirty-two will be 500 points. So expect a bigger post next week.

In the news, Wizkids have revild that they will be doing Lord of the Rings Heroclix. Yes this is real and will be 100% compatable to the stated Heroclix. There will be a campaign style box set that will include NEW epic level rules and all you need to run a game. The booster set and a board game, so basic a start set with what might be rules for running a Heroclix campaign. It is unclear if the board game figures will be usable in the standard Heroclix game. This has shocked the fandom, some love it, some hate it. It seems a nice idea, but until I see the figures and cards, I want to jugde it yet. But I would love to do a magical trio, Doctor Strange, Doctor Fate and Gandalf the White. I will get at least the Campaign pack to see if the new epic level rules are how to run a Heroclix campaign. Still no news on when the Iron Madian or the Street Fighter Heroclix will be out.
On other Wizkids news, this week previews from Giant Size X-Men was Madrox also known as Multiple Man and Omega Prime Sentinel. Madrox looks nice and can work with the old version from Sinister. Oh and he has the S.H.I.E.L.D. keyword too, a new grunt for Ultimates Nick Fury to boss about. And the Omega Prime Sentinel will be a great new minion to my Sentinel army or even a Robot keyword team.

This week’s DreamClix for ShounenClix, I am doing an Elite Pirate LE from One Piece, Uryu Ishida for Bleach, per-Bunkai Renji Abarai from Bleach and dials for generic Pirates from One Piece. For MAClix I am doing a minor change to the Body Guard generic from late week, Tesshin Asano from the Wolverine anime, dials the next two Zodiac Warriors from the Iron Man anime. And lastly for MechaClix, I am doing Crimerose, Lily Rain and LazFlamme, all from Cosmic Break. But first I like to do a TA reminder for people and a list of new Keywords I have added. First of here is a list of TAs (no including the Christmas one) that I have done. If they are a TA based on an establish TA I will note list the TA then what it does.

Bleach – Same as X-Men.
Chaos – Same as Sinister Syndicate.
Dragon Ball – Same as Fantastic Four TA not ATA.
Naruto – Ignore terrain for movement a part from indoor walls and indoor blocking terrain.
One Piece – Same as Ultimate X-Men.
Section 9 - Same as SHIELD.
Unions – Same as CSA.

Next are the keywords which I will be listing as Generic or Non-Generic. Note that Marvel stuff apart from the Anime stuff has not been listed as well as the Christmas stuff.

Generic: Air, Artillery, Bounty Hunter, Devil Fruit, Land, Pirates, Soul Reaper, Support.

Non-Generie: Alvida Pirates, ANBU, Anti Kira Task Force, Arling's Crew, Buggy Pirates, Captain, Division 1 to 13 (one foer each number, foremrly Squads for Bleach), Dragon Ball Gang, Gatou, Hollow, JDF, JGSDF, Jinchurlki, Karakura Town, Kira, Kirigakure, Konohagakure, Lieutenant, Marine, Menso, Minions of Picallo, Mod-Soul, Orochimaru, Pilaf Gang, Quincy, Roger Pirates, Saiyan, Section 9, Seven Ninja Swordsman of the Mist, Straw Hat Crew, Team Kakashi, Turtie Shell School, Uchiha Clan, Z Fighters, Zodiac.

You might have noiced that the Keyword Ninja is missing. This is because it has been dumped as almost all characters from Naruto are Ninjas making it too Generic.

First we have an Elite Pirate LE from One Piece. I should of done thias ages ago back when I did the Pirate generic. They are highly skilled pirate than the run of the mill henchmen. They should have Leap Climb, Blades, Toughness and a special called "Crew".
Crew: When you are revilling your force, you must pick a non-generic keyword a friend character with the pirate keyword. This figure gains that keyword for the rest of the game.
They should have about 5 clicks of life and starting states of Movement 8, Attack 9, Defence 17, Damage 2 and Range 4 with 1 target. They should have the One Piece TA with the keywords Pirate and Brut.

Next is Uryū Ishida for Bleach. Uryū is a Quincy residing in Karakura Town. He is a student at the Karakura High School, where he is a classmate and friend of Ichigo Kurosaki. As a child, Uryū mostly interacted and trained with his grandfather, Sōken Ishida. His father, Ryūken Ishida, was less than enthusiastic about being a Quincy, claiming that it was not a profitable occupation. They do not appear to be on very good terms as a result, given Uryū's casual use of his father's given name. Sōken understands Ryūken's reasoning, since being a Quincy is more about justice than material rewards and Ryūken has a family to support. Sōken told Uryū that he would someday understand his father's motives, but thus far this is not the case. At a fairly young age, Uryū's grandfather was killed by Hollows right in front of him while he was not able to do a thing to protect him. This is one of the reasons why he hates the Soul Reapers, who did not come to rescue Sōken in time. It is later revealed that the current captain of the 12th Division, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, was behind the delay so that Sōken's soul could be collected for study. He should have a trait called "Puppet Suit", Running Shot, Hyper Sonic, Sharpshoter, Willpower, a special called "Ransotengai", Perplex, Outwit and Range Combat Expert.
Puppet Suit: If Uryū has a Puppet Suit counter on his card, he gains a +1 to all combat values apart from defence which suffers a -1 instead. He also gains Toughness but can not use Regan.
Ransotengai: Uryū can use Regan, if he does place a Puppet Suit counter on his card.
He should have about 5 to 6 clicks of health and starting states of Movement 8, Attack 10, Defence 17, Damage 3 and Range 10 with three targets. He should have the Bleach TA and the keywords Teen, Quincy and Karakura Town.

Next is Renji Abarai from Bleach. Renji Abarai is the lieutenant of the 6th Division in the Gotei 13 under Captain Byakuya Kuchiki. He grew up in the 78th district of Rukongai, Inuzuri, with several other children. Having come to Soul Society alone, they helped each other to search for their families. One day, after stealing a jug of water, Renji and his friends were chased by a kama-wielding adult. Rukia tripped the adult and urged Renji's group to follow her to avoid losing the water. Rukia joined their group and they lived together as a family. They all hated Inuzuri and the people there. Renji was not happy that Rukia had spiritual power like he did. Ten years after Rukia joined the group, with all of their friends dead, Rukia proposed that they become Soul Reapers, which Renji agreed with. As they were quite gifted with spiritual powers, they entered the Shinō Academy with ease, where they struggled to prove their worth among those from noble families. Having scored amongst the highest grades in the entrance exam, Renji was admitted into the top class along with Izuru Kira and Momo Hinamori. Two months after entering the Academy, Renji had a field training to practice Konsō in the Human World for the first time. When being briefed on the field trip by Shūhei Hisagi, Kanisawa and Aoga, Renji failed to recognize Shūhei, who was to lead the mission. Izuru explained to him that Hisagi was famous and a gifted student. Renji, Izuru and Momo were assigned to the same group. As Shūhei called an end to their field trip, the group was attacked by a Huge Hollow, which killed Kanisawa and Aoga. Shūhei ordered the group to retreat while he stayed to fight the Hollow. When a second Huge Hollow appeared, Momo stopped and questioned why they were running away. Renji reminded Momo that the Hollow had just killed two sixth year students. When Momo rushed back towards Shūhei, Renji and Izuru followed her and helped to block the second Hollow’s attack on him. When more Huge Hollows showed up, they were saved by the arrival of Fifth Division Captain Sōsuke Aizen and his lieutenant, Gin Ichimaru. When Momo wondered if they would ever become as strong as Aizen and Ichimaru, Renji laughed at the notion and insisted that captains and lieutenants were monsters. Having passed an important exam, Renji rushed to find Rukia to tell her. However, when he found her, she was with several Soul Reapers, including Byakuya Kuchiki. As they left, Renji noted Byakuya’s power, causing him to wonder who he was. Renji asked what they wanted and congratulated Rukia when she told him that they want to have her adopted into the Kuchiki family, have her graduate immediately and assigned to the 13th Division. Rukia thanked him and left. Renji told himself that Rukia finally had a family and that he should stay out of it. After Rukia left, Renji trained every day in a bid to beat Byakuya, but he was unable to defeat him even once. Renji graduated from the Shinō Academy in its 2,066th year and joined the Gotei 13, where he initially served under Aizen in the 5th Division, along with Izuru and Momo. The rebellious Renji, however, was moved to the 11th Division and rose to the rank of 6th Seat. During his time in the 11th Division, he befriended Ikkaku Madarame, to whom he revealed that he wanted to become stronger than Byakuya Kuchiki. Ikkaku taught Renji how to fight and Renji became aware that Ikkaku had a Bankai, and requested that he use it to train Renji. Forty years after Rukia’s adoption into the Kuchiki family, Momo and Izuru presented Renji with a letter stating that he was to be promoted to lieutenant of the 6th Division. He formally accepted Momo's words, which caused her to tell him not to be so uptight. Ikkaku told him that he was now a step closer to Byakuya and that his will had been strong for forty years, but now that he was a lieutenant, they should return to the type of relationship that they once shared. Izuru informed Renji that Rukia was leaving on a mission to the Human World that afternoon. When Momo urged him to hurry, Renji told her that he would wait until his promotion was made official a month later, and that when she returned, he would surprise her with it. About three months late, Renji and Byakuya, Renji were sent to arrest Rukia and return her to Soul Society. This version of Renji will be he before gaining his bankai. He should have Leap Climb, Running Shot, Blades,a special called "Howl Zabimaru", Toughnes and Energy Shield Defection.
Howl Zabimaru: Renji can use Blade normally or as part of a range attack.
He should have about six clicks of health and starting states of Movement 6, Attack 10, Defence 17, Damage 2 and Range 4 with one target. He should have the Bleach TA and the keywords Division 5, Division 6, Division 11, Lieutenant and Soul Reaper.

Next we have the dial for the generic Pirates from One Piece. I have renamed them slightly to Pirate Crewman.

I have some minor change to the Body Guard generic I did last week. They should now just be Bodyguard than Shingen Yashida's Bodyguards and they should gain their minion power from anyone that shares a keyword they have that is double or more their points cost instead of just Shingen Yashida.

Next we have Tesshin Asano from the Wolverine anime. With most characters nowadays I am waiting for them to be killed or have been in four or more episode until I cover them (unles they are generics). As Tesshin was killed in episode 2, I will be covering him this week. Tesshin is a Japaness Police Detective who told Wolverine about about the location of Mariko, a girlfriend of Logan's who dissapeared a year. Tesshin, is after her father, Shingen Yashida, and wants to stop him marry his daurter to Hideki Kurohagi a leader of a crime irland. They teamed up togather to stop it and to save her. However, after the opporantion failed, Shingen had him killed and famed Wolverine for the murder. Tesshin should only have Leadship, about four clicks of health and starting states of Movemant 8, Attack 8 or 9, Defence 16, Damage 2 and Range 6 with one target. He should have the PD TA and the keywords Detective and Police.

Next is the dials for the next two Zodiac Warriors from the Iron Man anime. With the first one I am guessing is was meant to be Gemini as it had two heads and four arms. I also upped its damage to 3 as to was a bit low. I have also modified Taurus's special to boosted his attack as well. 

Next we have the first of the Cosmic Break Characters, Crimerose. A female robot (Cyborg) from an outer dimension. 50% of her body consists of Zias geo-cells, allowing her to move with grace and precision. According to the manga from the site, when Crimerose and Ivis were just kids (with no robotic parts), they were tricked into join a research lab who muched around with their DNA. Crimrose was demed a failer and disappeared. She was not even a reject. The next time you see her was the next manga where she has become one of the Unions's Heroes. What happen inbetwin was never revild. When she first meet Ivis after they lenght of time that had past she had forgotten her old child hood friend Ivis until Ivis reminder her, just before Ivis went mad and desytoried the base with her Chaos powers. Also Crimrose has the ability to become Seraph Crimrose at desbut times, however this will a different figure and not the same figure or AE. So let us get this started, Crimrose should have the flight symbol, Running Shot, Charge, Super Senses, Toughness, Leadership and the AIR trait. She should have about 5 clicks of health and starting states of Movement 12, Attack 10, Defence 18, Damage 3 and Range 6 with one target. She should have the Unions TA and the keywords Robot, Armour, Moe and Air.

Next we have Lily Rain, me favouret looking character in the game. Usually elegant and ladylike, her personality changes during battle due to the effacts of her "Trance Skirt". A beautiful but deadly "Innocent Lily". There is video and a special story line mission, where Lily Rain becomes Lily Rain Eve. Again, like with Seraph Crimrose, this will a different figure and not the same figure or AE. So let us get this started, Lily Rain should have the Leap Climb, Running Shot, a special called "Psyslicer", Toughtness, Enhancement and the ART trait.
Psylicer: Give Lily Rain a power action, she may make a range attack action as if she has 4 targets. Instead of using her own damage value, he damage value becames the number of hit targets and damage dealt is penetrating damage.
She should have about 5 clicks of health and starting states of Movement 8, Attack 10, Defence 18, Damage 3 and Range 8 with two targets. She should have the Unions TA and the keywords Robot, Armour, Moe and Artillery.

Lastly we have LazFlamme. The "Blue Gale". Will kick anyone who stands behind her by reflex. You have been warned. Oh with a camio in the manga she have not any real back story. LazFlamme should have the Transporter ability, a special called "Back Kick", Toughness, Perplex and the LND trait.
Back Kick: LazFlamme can use Flurry, however both attacks must be done of different targets.
She should have about 5 clicks of health and starting states of Movement 10, Attack 10, Defence 17, Damage 3 and Range 4 with one target. She should have the Unions TA and the keywords Robot, Armour, Moe and Land.

I will be doing LE verisons of the some of the Garapon verisons of Crimrose, Lily Rain and LazFlamme . Next week's Dreamclix for ShounenClix, I am planning on doing Jango from One Piece, Watari from Death Note, maybe a generic Wolf from Dragon Ball and dials for Sakura Haruno from Naruto. For MAClix I am doing dials for Nanami Ota and Ichiro Masuda. And lastly for MechaClix, I am planning on doing a bunch of Tachikomas and maybe Major Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. Well until next time, have fun.

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